Wildcard (*) can be used when filtering. For example by typing “*(>” all the lookup fields of the current SObject are displayed. When clicking on a green arrow of a lookup fields you can navigate to the related SObject.
Copy Merge Fields
A very powerful feature of the query builder which makes creating Word templates very easy and efficient is to be able to copy & paster merge fields directly from the query builder into your Word document.
It is possible to copy individual merge fields or all merge fields at one (Copy All) into the clipboards to support the creation of the docx template.
Manual Query Entry
If for some reasons, subqueries are neededyou need to create queries including subqueries, the query needs to be entered manually.
When entering queries manually the query builder cannot (and should not) be used anymore for this query.
The queries need to be entered as a JSON data array: [{ Query 1} , { Query 2 }, … ]
Here is an example of a manually entered query (and data mapping) including a subquery:
"name": "AccountQuery",
"singleRecord": true,
"query": "SELECT Name, (SELECT FirstName, LastName, Email FROM Contacts) FROM Account WHERE Id = :recordId",
"mapping": {
"AccountName": "Name",
"ContactRecords": "Contacts.records"
Please be aware that you can only map the fields from the main query. The subquery fields need to be used as they are returned from SOQL.
Create the IdealDoc Template