Helper that renders the block if all of the given values are truthy. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy. Works as a block helper, inline helper or subexpression. In the following example t1,t2 variables are true and f1 is false.
Block expression:
{{#and t1 t2 t3}} will be rendered {{else}} (optional): will be shown when and is false {{/and}}
{{#if (and t1 t2 f1)}} will not be rendered (because f1 is false) {{/if}}
Helper that renders a block if any of the given values is truthy. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy. Works as a block helper, inline helper or subexpression. In the following example t1 variable is true and f1, f2 are false.
Block expression:
{{#or f1 f2 t1}} will be rendered {{else}} (optional): will be shown when or is false {{/or}}
{{#if or(f1 f2 t1)}} will be rendered {{else}} (optional): will be shown when or is false {{/or}}
Returns the inverse boolean of the provided value. I.e. it returns false when the provided expression is true and vica versa. Works as block expression or inline expression:
Block expression:
{{#not t1}} Not rendered {{/not}}
Inline expression:
{{#if (not (compare a ">" b))}} Shown if a is less or equal than b {{/not}}